Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Hedgehog Report - Rest in Peace


They all fought for the Red, White and Blue .The white men, the black men, the Indians too. They were all heroes, or so it is said, When the blood flowed, it was all crimson red. They all fought for freedom, side by side, Some of them lived, and too many died. They were all valiant soldiers, every man, They gave what they had, to the last stand. We shouldn’t forget them, not one single soul, And we should make sure their story is told.They fought for the freedom of every man, Their bravery is known, across our great land. For those up in heaven, or hell here on Earth, We all thank our fathers, for our life since birth. They all are our heroes, a much treasured lot, And we should thank them for all we have got. So raise up your hands, give thanks to a-highFor all the brave soldiers who lived and died. As our lives go on, and in freedom we live, We thank every soldier, for what he could give. OldWolf

All good things must come to an end. So it is with The Hedgehog Report. The above poem, while not 100% comparable to our shared experiences at the site, is an apt metaphor for the struggle and fight against liberalism. We were the on-line version of soldiers, fighting the good fight, win and, sometimes, lose.

We had foes who were articulate, crazy, smart, funny and sometimes just plain annoying. It did not matter, we would engage them all and, dare I say, win more often that we lost. However, the enemy proved to be cunning; they placed a plant to sow the seeds of discord. This plant, posed as a Republican, destroyed a blog called Polipundit, then set her sites on The Hedgehog Report. There is no point in reciting all the details; we, who were there, know them all to well.

The owner, of the site, Dave Wissing, in a move eerily reminiscent of the proprietor of Polipundit, fired his 2 posters. Now, these were not paid employees, of course. The 2 gentlemen, Rdel and Tim V, did it for the community while Dave was too "busy" to post the results of polls. I am not certain how he could be so busy since he never provided any analysis with his postings. They were pure cut and paste jobs. Even without pay, Wissing, in a classless move, fired them publicly. He did send an email to the gentlemen before dumping them but did not wait for a response. The gentlemen in question, of high moral character, handled it with dignity and grace. My hat is off to them both. I am held to no such standard and feel compelled to opine. I respect my fellow conservatives who disagree with me. That is OK.

Look at the 1 common link between Polipundit and HHR. What is it? Yes, it is the plant, aka, Chekote. I am sure she is rejoicing as of now. Some will stay for a while. I suspect more members of the community will leave when Wissing, in his usual cut and paste style, posts the results of a poll that mention Sarah Palin. As a matter of principle, I will no longer visit HHR. My time will be spent at Right Pundits.

The Hedgehog Report - rest in peace! Still, I yearn for the glory days of the past!


  1. MDefl,

    see this post, #230, apparently it was nothing to do with "the plant" or the comments or the posters etc.


  2. Lisa,

    That was not my point. I found his actions to be classless. He could have waited for a response from Tim V and Rdel instead of writing so a long-winded and poorly constructed post.

    The fact is that the site itself is not that special and without the other posters, it will really deteriorate. It is the commentors that make the place. Not Wissing. I wish everyone well over there (OK, almost everyone) but I have had my fill.

    I will miss HD's links. He is a one man opposition research team.

  3. There is no real comparison to PP, you making one is more telling about you. Second you give Chekote way more credit then she could ever be deserving of when it comes to her having an effect on doing serious damage to PP.

    This post on your part is classless.

  4. Thanks KN for stopping. You have every right to your opinion and I have every right to mine. That's cool. No hard feelings.

    Let me know what you think of some of the other stuff I will post. That will be the last one on HHR. Moving on.

  5. I don't have hard feelings toward you MD.
    I'm just a little sick of people talking about PP & chek destroying it though. You just give her way more credit then she deserves, and you shouldn't validate her like that. The girl wasn't even there for the first break up which had significantly different circumstances to it then what just happened at HHR (though I agree should have waited at least a coule hours after emailing before posting about it). As for what went on after may 2006 at PP I think I have more insight into the matter than many and it had little to do with the Chekmiester, and it had more components to it than any one commentor. I'll leave it there though.

    Looking forward to agreeing with you on other topic. ;)

  6. Mike:
    I think you give Chekote WAY more credit than she deserves.

    But, that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you that I miss you at HHR. I understand why you think you should leave. But, I miss you, nonetheless.

    You're a good man.

  7. MDefl posting

    KN - you make good points. Also, upon reflection, me using the term classless was a little too forceful. I went a bit overboard. Luckily, guys like you who I respect will not hesitate to tell me so and I appreciate it.

    Tim - Thanks for stopping by. I respect you as well. I really like the fact that we can have knock down, drag out brawls and then dust ourselves off and move on.

    I am not going back for a couple of reasons. Number 1 - I was taking things a little too serious there. I mean, it is just the internet and that is not called for and I frankly got tired of the plant hijacking every thread. Now I am sure she will be good for a little while given all the bs but I can tell it won't be long before she starts again. As for Tim V. and Rdel, I think KN is right - I did go overboard. Loyalty means everything to me and it just rubbed me the wrong way. I probably should have refrained from posting anything for a couple of days. However, you know that is not my style.

    I would say that I'll miss most of the commentors but a good amount are not posting on RP as well as HHR.

    It is just time to move on. Maybe I am just getting too old to fight plants. Heh.

    Tim, keep coming by. I am going to try and post 1 item a day.

  8. Yes, I have not figured out the posting thing here quite yet. This is definitely a wip.
    The dead hedgehog was intended as a joke. I do know the site is not going anywhere.


  9. Mike,
    I should have never used the word "fired" in my post at RP. It was just the quickest way of saying that RD and I would no longer be posting. I feel partly responsible for your rant at HHR. You have good ideas and insights. I would caution you on your temper. Are you Irish ? LOL. Love the pic. as kb would say-peace out... Tim V

  10. Mike,

    Here is my suggestion: wait a few day or a week. Put up a post apologizing to Dave ( he did you no wrong ). Occasionally lurk at HHR and if you find a thread where the topic is of interest and the plant is away- throw up a comment. Life is too short for ill feelings. I know how you feel. I am a pretty laid back guy but cheese had a way of really getting under my skin too.
    You have a lot to offer us so keep up the good work here and at RP and maybe very occasionaly at HHR.

    Tim V

  11. one thing i dont like about eblogger is that it is not that easy to comment with, i tried annonymous and it would not take it.

  12. cheese blogs least 10 different sites...she must not really work...JMHO

    just google chekote palin and you will see she is all over the internet

  13. I think I owe DW an apology too for calling him what I did at the RP site. Its his site, so he can do whatever he wants, even though I disagree with it.

    For the longest time, I just ignored Chekote's and others posts. No sense in repeating the same old same old over and over.

    I have calmed down a lot since learning of Tim V and rdel's dismissal from HHR. I still disagree with it. I liked their contributions.

    Has rdel even responsed? I hope he is fine. Tim V seems fine with it.


  14. OK - I overreacted, clearly. I will apologoize right now but will not do so at HHR. I am moving on. The plant will just cause her usual havok. This time, she will wait about 1 week. I want no parts of that.

    Yes, I apologize to Dave Wissing on a personal basis.


  15. RD did the vast majority of the posts and I enjoyed them. Dave realy rarely provides much if any commentary and almost never comments. I and I think most others enjoyed the site due to the commenters and not the content on the site. Dave is active in Maryland politics, a blue state. Some of my threads particularly the religious one's, were not a match for Dave's politics or the politics of the Maryland Republican party.
    Tim V

  16. What are trying to tell me?


  17. telling you why he pulled the plug on me. politics.

  18. So I guess he is not a "big tent" guy afterall.

    FWIW - we will never win an election with just so cons or just mods.

  19. I don't kmow Tim V. I am not so certain that my original thoughts were that off.

    I will stick with the apology for overreacting but am finished there.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. So I guess he is not a "big tent" guy afterall.

    actually i do think dave is a big tent guy but i think he wanted to avoid folks in md politics thinking he himself was a social conservative. i dont think he is but i think he is quite supportive of others that are.

  22. OK but that is not what I would call a principled stand. Then again, loyalty to me is an extremely important quality. I go to the mat for those who are loyal


  23. talk about a SMACKDOWN :

    194.FU Chek and I mean that ever so sincerely. You and DNC talking points are usually about 2 degrees of separation. You love to play the victim, but you are just a nasty bitch who can dish it out repeatedly but whines like a wuss when its returned.

    Comment by Gary Maxwell

  24. the chekmeister causes friction wherever she/it goes
