Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Quinnipiac University Poll - Majority of Americans Against Health Care Reform

A newly released poll from Quinnipiac University clearly indicates that the majority of Americans are against Barack Obama's so called health care reform especially if it adds to the ever growing budget deficit. Here are the key paragraphs from Quinnipiac:

American voters, by a 55 - 35 percent margin, are more worried that Congress will spend too much money and add to the deficit than it will not act to overhaul the health care system, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. By a similar 57 - 37 percent margin, voters say health care reform should be dropped if it adds "significantly" to the deficit.

By a 72 - 21 percent margin, voters do not believe that President Barack Obama will keep his promise to overhaul the health care system without adding to the deficit, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University national poll finds.

American voters disapprove 52 - 39 percent of the way President Obama is handling health care, down from 46 - 42 percent approval July 1, with 60 - 34 percent disapproval from independent voters. Voters say 59 - 36 percent that Congress should not pass health care reform if only Democratic members support it.

In contrast to the above, the American people still favor a public health care option with 62% in favor and 32% opposed. However, this is conditional - any new plan must not add to the deficit. Per the CBO, Obama's plan will add a minimum of $200B to the deficit over a 10-year period. The reality is most likely to be much worse. It is evident that the GOP has some work to do regarding the implications of a public plan as a "choice" for consumers. Remember that Barack Obama clearly stated on tape that he wants to phase out private insurance companies. Eventually, the left wants your care to be controlled by a bureaucrat in Washington D.C. and not by your Doctor.

People are always for taxing the rich to pay for programs. As Maggie Thatcher once said, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money".

The momentum is against Obama. For reasons that are purely political, I would love to see Nancy Pelosi pass health care reform. Unlike some on the right, I don't believe that the Senate would dare to pass reform in reconciliation. That could have repercussions down the road that would not be favorable to the Democratic party.

To sum up, this is good news. The American people are waking up from their "hope and change" hangover and learning how to be adults again. Hopefully, one day, Barack Obama and the left will do the same.

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