Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday - Plant Free Zone

Ah, my soul feels cleansed. No Kos plants for 2 weeks running. I feel like a new man! If you happened to open this blog by accident, please check out the action at I promise that you won't be disappointed. That is, unless you are a liberal. Your viewpoint will still be heard but definitely not welcomed! And other random thoughts of the day.

It is official. John Edwards has joined the Federal Witness Protection Program. He was right all along. There are 2 America's - the one we live in and the one he now lives in desperately trying to avoid the wrath of his wife, Elizabeth.

Cliff Lee is a stud. An absolutely great pick up by the Phillies.

Why have the race-baiting twins, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, remained so quiet on the Gates incident? Are they concerned with studying the facts of the situation or happy that Obama is having problems? I suspect they both pictured themselves as the first African-American Presidents and are jealous of Obama who, in their view, hardly put any time into the "struggle" .

Sons of Anarchy is a cool show. Peg Bundy is a bad ass biker momma!

If Nancy Pelosi jumped off a bridge would most of the Democrats in the House follow? I suspect the answer to that question is yes.

Speaking of bridges, wasn't Obama supposed to be the bridge to a new type of politician? Why then do his actions resemble those of every other politician on our planet?

US Airways completely and totally sucks. In every way possible.

Oh great, just perfect! While we are going to recognize Ahmadinejad as the rightful President of Iran, we are not going to celebrate. Now, I have to cancel the planned outing to Hooters. This is just wrong. Aky was really looking forward to that.

Recent AP Headline: Obama promises health overhaul with or without GOP. Was he not the candidate of "change"? Oh, as long as you agree with his version of change. Thanks, I got it now.

The surge in Afghanistan is not going very well. When will we hear from Harry Reid?

When Ted Kennedy dies will they name the bridge in Chappaquiddick after him?

Nice work by President Clinton in getting those journalists out of North Korea. He is to be commended and I would have wanted him to do the same if one of my daughters was be held by those lunatics. I would have had one request - could Bill fly home on a separate plane from that of my daughter?

Whatever happened to Paula Jones?

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