Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama Lies on Health Care Reform

Yes, the headline is a strong statement. Specifically, President Obama has stated recently, on numerous occasions, that if a person is happy with their current health care insurance, then that person would not be forced to enroll in the proposed public health insurance option. There are numerous reasons why that won't be true in the end, but let's save that for another day.

Video of Barack Obama has been discovered where he flat out states that he supports a single payer system and that private insurance companies will be phased out over a 15-year period. The videos were from 2003 and 2007 respectively. As is the norm for the left, instead of responding to the videos, they attempt to insult your intelligence.

Linda Douglass, now an Obama employee, formally an employee of the DNC wing know as ABC, states that these videos are misrepresentations of President Obama's position on public and private health insurance options. We are treated to clips of Obama telling us in his usual demonstrative manner that no one will be forced into a public option if they are happy with their existing private insurance. Again, by definition that will not be true since a public entity, with funding from our tax dollars will always swallow a private entity which will be discussed at another time.

This is the same President who told us that his health care plan would be viable without a middle class tax cut and who mocked John McCain for proposing a tax on existing health insurance in order to afford the Utopian version of universal health care. What is Obama proposing now? An assortment of taxes that will strike at the heart of the middle class. Further, taxing existing heath insurance benefits is on the table. That is, except for unions, who of course would be exempt. Having already given them ownership of an auto firm and violating hundreds of years of contract law, it will hardly be noticed that huge contributors to his campaign receive yet another payoff. Speaking of payoffs, where is the tort reform? Once again, another Obama constituency spared the need to "sacrifice".

Notice that Douglass does nothing to dispute what Obama said in the videos. That is because she cannot dispute the indisputable. Instead, she tries to make us believe that it is all a pack of lies. Ms. Douglass, the man himself made the comments. Either Obama was lying then or he is lying now. Which is it?

The entire health care reform debate has been a farce. The Obama lies on health care reform are mounting by the day. Finally, the people are catching on that the man of, "hope and change" wants to bring this country to a form of socialism that has failed the world over. It is time for the American people to hold Barack Obama accountable for his lies on health care reform.


Hat Tip: Breitbart.tv

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