Monday, August 3, 2009

Health Care Reform - Specter Beat Down!

Our friends at Gateway Pundit today posted the video of the year. Democrats Arlen Specter and Kathleen Sebelius received what amounts to an old fashioned Philadelphia beat down from the people in a town hall held in Philadelphia. This is a must see:

There are some relevant points that need to be made regarding Senator Specter and his support for heath care reform. Let's put aside the fact for the moment that he is a scoundrel and has accomplished an unusual round trip in politics; first he was a Democrat, then a Republican and finally a Democrat. That shall be ignored for the time being.

It is so ironic that Specter is beseeching the audience, fooled not for a moment by these political hacks, to reserve judgement until the bill is finished. Really Senator? Would that be like the stimulus bill that YOU voted for without reading? He can't even deny that since he revealed that nugget during an interview with WPHL's Dom Giordano. These days, Arlen is limiting his appearances on WPHL to sell out Michael Smerconish's show. That is safe territory for him.

Further, how ironic is it that Democratic shills nationwide are telling us plebeians to be patient and wait until we see the bill? Would this be like the debacle and Cap and Trade where several hundred pages of amendments were introduced the night before the vote? What happened to Obama's 5-day waiting period? The American people are communicating, in a loud and clear voice, their opposition to the government's attempt to socialize 20% of the United States' economy. How humorous was it that the audience called it a "lie" when Specter stated, erroneously, that 47 million people were uninsured?

This has been asked before but shall be asked again - where is the tort reform? Nary a mention of that from the lips of any Democrat. It is our good fortune that the Democrats in Congress will now have a month away from Washington to feel the full wrath and fury of the American people. The Specter beat down in Philadelphia is happening to Democrats nationwide and that must be giving them pause for concern.

How much support and momentum will be lost in the next month? Will Obama's efforts to placate those already insured and/or on Medicare bear fruit? Will the American people be so easily manipulated by the liberals and main stream press outlets? If the visceral anger of the people at this point is any indication, then the answer is a clear no. That is good news for the entire country.

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