Monday, August 10, 2009

John Murtha Supports Single Payer Health Care System

Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha, representing the 12th congressional districts supports a single payer health care system. The source for the headline is directly from the far left group, Healthcare-Now!, that is lobbying for a single payer, government run, health care system. John Murtha not only supports a single payer health care system but is actually co-sponsoring the bill, HR 676, with ultra-liberal Michigan Congressman, John Conyers.

Retirees are plentiful in the PA's 12th district. These voters need to ask themselves if they will be happy living in a system that will provide rationed care? That is what Murtha and the rest of the single payer proponents mean when they talk about Medicare savings. Are you happy with the savings coming from you? Do you understand what end of life counseling means? Are you happy with publicly funded abortions?

For the rest of the voters of the 12th district, are you happy being represented by a man whose associates are being charged with taking kickbacks allegedly because of their access to Murtha? To make matters even worse, Murtha's staff was telling callers that he would not support Cap and Trade, yet, in the end, he did vote yes. Do the coal workers of his district understand what is going to happen to them if this bill actually becomes law? The bill is not really about the environment, it is about wealth transfer. Why was Murtha's staff lying to callers? Taking everything into consideration, does Murtha really represent the interests of his constituents?

For people of the 12th district in Pennsylvania, I have one question - why would you elect Murtha again? John Murtha's support of a single payer health care system should be the last straw. On November 2, 2010, the people of the 12 district will have a chance to register their disapproval at the voting booths. It is time for the people to "retire" John Murtha.

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