Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Care Reform - Will it Pass in September?

Barack Obama slammed his fist on the table and demanded a bill to "reform" the "broken" health care system before Congress officially recessed for the summer. Obama and his official media arm, otherwise known as MSNBC, were certain that his wish would be granted. By now, both must be in mourning.

Clearly, Obama's problems with health care are not limited to some recalcitrant members of his own party, the so called "blue dogs". With each passing day, it is evident that his main problem is with the American people who are abandoning ship faster than Rosie O'Donnell on weight watchers. Virtually every poll confirms the view that Americans don't believe Obama when he states, falsely, that health care reform will be deficit neutral. They have flatly stated that they would rather have no bill than a bill that would increase the already bloated and dangerous deficit.

Obama's generals, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, shifted their focus from a strategy of having a bill voted before recess to making certain that important elements of health care "reform" passed through the various committees. Then, they would come back in September, rested and tanned, and place a bill before the President like the good little puppies that they have become for Obama.

There was only 1 little problem with the strategy. The American people, darn them, are getting in the way. The evil, organized, right wing nuts jobs consisting primarily of men and women between the ages of 30 and 80 who pay taxes, abide the law and have genuine concern for the direction of the country are throwing the proverbial monkey wrench into Obama's plans to socialize 1/7th of the economy.

Do you want to know the truth about why the msm and liberals are trying to besmirch these good citizens? It is because they know the truth. This is a pure, grassroots effort in every way, shape and form. Contrast this movement with ACORN, manned by felons who break the law at speeds so rapid that it boggles the mind. The liberals and msm are frustrated that their efforts are being thwarted and that a single payer, publicly funded health insurance system, which 85 Democrats in the House publicly support, is in great peril.

Based on the anger of the regular people throughout the country, it is no longer the blue dogs who have to worry. Only those Democrats in the most liberal areas of the nation are safe to go public with the desire for socialized medicine. 95% of the other Democrats secretly dream of socialized medicine but would not dare say so publicly for fear of joining the ranks of the unemployed. John Murtha is the lone exception to this and he is a special case. Murtha is still suffering the effects of derangement syndrome and has yet to be cured. At this point, it is not certain that Murtha even knows what year we are in currently.

So the strategy to come back and pass health care "reform" in September hinges on demonizing the very people that Obama needs to support the measure. Over the next few weeks, we will most likely see 1 or 2 mainstream Democrats abandon ship stating that they can not vote for a bill that will increase taxes or contain a publicly funded and government run health insurance option. Democrats, after being beaten up by their constituents for an entire month, will think twice about voting for Obamacare. The flood gates will open and the support of many Democrats in congress will begin to wash away, Obama though is not a quitter. They will need to pass, something, anything that will help him save face. In the end, a greatly watered down measure will pass. Obama will hail this as great news and just the starting point to "fix our broken system".

Folks, take him seriously. Although we could win this battle, Obama and his cohorts on the left will still be fighting the war. We must remain vigilant.

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