Thursday, August 6, 2009

Health Care Reform - The Left is Feeling The Heat

The American people are speaking with a clear voice that they will tolerate health care reform that will add to the disastrous deficit. Poll after poll is confirming this fact. Congressman and Senators are being besieged by their constituents and being asked to actually read the bills they will be voting on after they come back from their month long vacations.

The left is in a precarious pickle. The normal strategy is to demonize those who do not agree with their dream of a European socialized state that would "provide" for their citizens from cradle to grave. The problem now is that they have to demonize the majority of American citizens in order to achieve their long awaited victory. One would think that someone, anyone, on the left would understand that is an extremely bad idea. One would be wrong. The left is employing the typical scorched earth policy and applying it directly to the American people!

The message is coordinated but has the air of unreality. Barbara Boxer claimed, on MSNBC's Hardball, that the protests must be organized because the protestors are too well dressed. Chrissy "tingles" Matthews, normally a bulldog missed the chance to ask Senator Boxer the obvious question; "Are you nuts?" Following Boxer's contorted logic, we have to assume that first amendment rights are only for those who do not shower on a regular basis or bother to wash their clothing. I think the field workers for ACORN, missing teeth and all, fit the left's view of the proper appearance for a protester. Naturally, the White House, as evidenced by Press Secretary Gibbs comments yesterday, are in on this strategy.

What will the next steps be for the left? It is very simple to ascertain. All future town halls will be by invitation only. This simply follows the model as set forth by President Obama. One can only hope that they try to do this nationwide thus incurring the wrath of an American people who are fed up with being the least important item on the agenda of all politicians. Yes, the left is in a proverbial catch-22. They can only win on health care reform by demonizing the very people they need for support.

This is going to get very ugly. As free speech is denied, the protests will increase in size and intensity to the point where they simply cannot be ignored. To borrow a phrase that President Obama used in a speech to his Hollywood buddies a few months back, "You ain't seen nothing yet"!

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