Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday - Plant Free Zone

Ah, the liberation! I am telling you it feels good, very good. Anyway, it is raining hard here in south eastern PA. It has been our wettest and coldest summer in a couple of decades. Where is global warming when you need it the most? I know, I know, "climate change". If it is warm it is the fault of the United States. If it is cold it is the fault of the United States. And other random thoughts of the day.

Cliff Lee, the Phillies new ace, was sensational in his debut this past Friday. The Phillies should go fairly deep in the playoff with him. Some of predicting a world series repeat. Winning a world series is bedding the prom queen on graduation night. A LOT of things have to go right.

President Obama sure had a fun filled week what with the beer summit and the failure of to get a vote on health care reform. I wonder how excited the legislative body will be to vote on the measure after hearing from their constituents for a solid month?

Are members of the AARP really revolting against their leadership or is it just a few members at the edge? The AARP has morphed from a club that protected the interest of seniors to a political body whose agenda now seems to be, first and foremost, concerned with advancing the interests of the far left. The organization has been hi-jacked.

A full week went by without Governor Sandford saying anything stupid. Miracles never cease.

"Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs". Those words, spoken by a frothing at the mouth Nancy Pelosi, will cost the Democrats the majority in the House of Representatives in 2010. Very few believe that time will prove me correct.

The GOP, defying the odds, will also make gains in the Senate. I envision +5 or +6. Not a majority but enough to be able to form an affiliation with conservative Democratic Senators that will force Obama to the right and expose "people" like Al Franken as nut jobs.

I am worn out by the birthers. Obama was born in Hawaii. Even Coulter and Malkin agree. I suspect that the liberals are working very hard to make this a GOP mainstream effort. That won't work.

I just started watching Sons of Anarchy on FX. It is a great show with a really good cast.

I saw Funny People. Don't spend the money. Wait for it to be on Starz, Showtime or HBO. It is not awful but is not great either.

I wanted to ask John Edwards if he has fathered anymore children lately and which of the 2 Americas would they be residing in at the moment?

Whatever happened to Laurie Dhue?

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