Friday, July 31, 2009

Beer Summit Failed

Things are officially out of control now. First, President Obama, with the wisdom that could only come with years of experience as a community organizer, maligns a well respected police officer by commenting on a case where he admittedly did not have all of the facts. Then, he compounds his error by orchestrating a contrived "beer summit" with the radical, Harvard Professor Louis Henry Gates and police Sgt. Joseph Crowley.

It is obvious now that the beer summit failed. No one apologized. Honestly, I did not expect Gates to apologize since that would cause a loss in the street cred that he has been yearning for forever. However, I thought Crowley would be forced into a phony apology and that Obama would apologize to appear presidential.

I admire Crowley for sticking to his guns and not apologizing when it is crystal clear that he was not in the wrong and is not a racist by any definition. The inverse is true of Obama. As the leader of this country, his "teachable moment" could have happened with an apology structured in the following way:

"I am sorry that I commented on a situation where I did not have all the facts. I looked deep within myself and really do understand that I am the President for all Americans, irrespective of color, class or political affiliation. While I will always fight against injustice, I will never make that mistake again".

How can Obama teach us anything when he has learned nothing himself? Even his participation in the beer summit proved to be a joke. To wit, the following is a quite from Sgt. Crowley:

"He provided the beer. He contributed in a small part," Crowley said. "He really wanted to bring two people together to try to solve not only a local issue in Cambridge but also what has become a national issue".

He contributed a small part! Has the leader of the free world now been reduced to a third rate bartender? Also, why was Joe Biden's presence necessary? What value does he bring to the table? Further, he drank a non-alcoholic beer. Now if Biden has a problem with alcohol, then
of course he should not drink a real beer. I would never call him a dry drunk and I know the left never engaged in that type of behavior with President Bush during his 8 years as President.

In summary, all the beer summit accomplished was to make Obama look like a purveyor of racial politics. His poll numbers are showing a clear deterioration in support and confidence from the American people. The fact that the beer summit failed will only serve to add momentum to his falling poll numbers.


  1. I actually think it was smart on Obama's part to include Biden; if someone believes Gates and Obama to be prejudicial together against Crowley, the presence of Biden could dispel any rumors of forcing Crowley into the phony apology you mentioned. If any actual apologies did occur, announced by one of the three main players afterward, there is always the chance of misrepresentation/dispute. Biden would be the "neutral" witness; in general, it is always best to cover oneself. I believe, however, that one of Crowley's superiors, or the neighbor should have been there (NOT a third person tied to Obama). The fact that it was Biden was more to Obama's advantage.

  2. I agree that the Beer Summit was worthless to anyone, except maybe Crowley (and Bud Light, Red Stripe, and Blue Moon).
