Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ed Rendell - Prostitute

Recently, on Opie and Anthony's XM satellite radio show, Kristin Davis, the former "Manhattan Madam" insinuated that Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania used her services 10 times during a year and a half time frame. Let me be clear - Rendell's name was not actually mentioned. Ms. Davis wrote a name on a slip of paper and the hosts of the programs provided so many obvious hints that any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that they were talking about Rendell. Did Ed Rendell make use of a prostitute? Maybe, maybe not. However, this episode highlights Ed Rendell's quick and stunning fall from the top of the political spectrum to a clear has been in politics.
Ed Rendell has enjoyed a virtual monopoly on power in Pennsylvania politics since 1992 when he was elected Mayor of Philadelphia. While running for Mayor and Governor, Rendell has never had to face any serious opposition. Each Republican candidate was weaker than the last. Further, he was able to pretty much pass any legislation that he desired. Statewide, the Republicans would fold like cheap suits and Rendell would get his way. The Pennsylvania state income tax was increased a couple of years ago despite needing Republican support in the legislature.
Rendell's midas touch began to wane a few months ago. It was no secret that Rendell coveted a United States Senate seat and that 2010 represented a perfect opportunity for him. His term expires in 2010 and he would be running against a weakened opponent - Arlen Specter. Sure, Specter was his first boss in politics and Rendell would prefer that he retire but would have no problem taking him out if he did not. It was clear sailing and the skies were blue. Then the thunder-storms hit. First, Specter switches parties. Now, one can easily imagine the phone call that was placed to Rendell by someone in the Obama administration:
Official - "Mr. Governor, do you remember how you supported Hillary Clinton in the primary?"
Rendell - "Yes".
Official - "Mr. Governor, the bill has come due. The President demands that Senator Specter have a clear field now that he is on our team."
Rendell - "Wait a minute!"
Official - "No, you wait a minute pal. If you don't lay down like a good little puppy, we will spank your state so hard and make you look so bad, that your name will be erased from the history books. Understood?"
Rendell - "Yes".
Official - "Good boy! Don't worry, we will have a job for you. You can be the head of the National Constitution Center. Doesn't that sound great? Now run along".
This was not Rendell's only disappointment. Again, he was accustomed to passing any budget or legislation in Pennsylvania with only minimal resistance from the state legislative body. Rendell's most recent budget included an "emergency" 3 year state tax income hike of 16.5%. It is the typical strategy of a liberal; anything can be resolved with more taxes. This time the Republicans, who hold the majority in the state senate and are under normal conditions as spine filled as a jelly-fish, said no. A flat, non-negotiable no. Rendell shrugged this off and employed his other strategy - going directly to the people. Despite having the press on his side, the people's answer, in the form of Rendell's favorable ratings, was also a flat no. Rendell ratings dropped by double digits in only 2 months.
Clearly, the citizens of Pennsylvania, having to tighten their belts during this economic downturn, would prefer that the state government do the same. Naturally, the liberal groups are up in arms. They just can't believe this is happening. The robo-calls pronouncing the end of education as we know it have started. However, nothing is, and nothing will, make a difference in public opinion. No "temporary emergency" (which we know won't be temporary and this is NOT an emergency) tax hike will be enacted.
In short, Ed Rendell has been accused of having trysts with a prostitute, has had his future employment taken away from him and has been told that he is no longer relevant to matters of politics in Pennsylvania. Yes, it has been a very bad few months for the Honorable Edward G. Rendell.


  1. Sorry about the lack of spacing. I am struggling with this format a little bit.

  2. And as a result, Quinnipiac has him at a 39/53 approval split. The lowest of his term.

  3. When is the main stream media going to start reporting on this prostitute business?
