Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama Hurting Democrats In Virginia

As recently, as June the Governor race in Virginia was a dead heat. Survey USA, a non-partisan polling firm, today released a poll that was taken on July 27 and 28. They surveyed 526 likely voters and Bob McDonnell now has a 15% lead on his Democratic rival, Greigh Deeds. McDonnell leads by 25% with men and 5% with women. The most alarming statistic for the Democrats is the independents favor McDonnell 2 to 1.

Are alienated Republicans returning home? If so, is Obama the reason for this sudden shift. Is Obama now hurting Democrats in Virginia? It is not just the Governor's race that favors the GOP. They have now pulled ahead in Attorney General and Lt. Governor races as well.

Combine the above with the fact that Corzine's numbers in New Jersey DECREASED after Obama campaigned for him and it is not only fair to ask if Obama is hurting Democrats in Virginia but is he hurting Democrats across the nation? That is something all Democrats should ask themselves as they contemplate voting for health care "reform" and stimulus, part II.

As late as this June, many thought that Virginia had turned blue. Now, it appears as though Obama is intent on ensuring that the states stays red, at least for the time being.


  1. Hey mdefl, Lisab returned to Hedge.

    Obumbler is at 48% approval.

