Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Tames The Blue Dogs

Does anyone else find the little "drama" between the so called "blue dog" Democrats and Nancy Pelosi to be nothing more than a poorly scripted drama? In the end the blue dogs will heel for Nancy like the good little pups they are and pass the health care reform that Nancy envisions. Only minor changes will be made.

The blue dogs can then return home to their conservative districts and claim to have made significant changes to the bill. Do not believe it for one moment. This reminds me of a poorly run play by fourth graders.

The bill was pass on party lines with 38 Democrats voting no. The good news is that the Republicans, unlike the Cap and Trade fiasco, will not provide the Democrats with any political cover. Please let me know if you have a different opinion.


  1. According to Rasmussen, 54% of voters blame Bush for the country's economic woes and 39% now blame Obama. It is 51-43 among unaffiliated voters.

    I'm not sure about the blue dogs yet; the strong verbage some of them are using makes me want to believe them.

    I cannot paste into the comments; is that normal?

  2. Dr. Jay - I am new to this format myself. Let me check it out.

  3. Dr. Jay,

    I was able to post script from another site. However, I did have a problem posting a comment in my own intro post, which is a little strange.

  4. Okay, Mdefl, if I open the comment frame in a new tab, then I can paste from the net, I think.


    Surprising Many, Lobbyists Keep Pushing for Health Care Reform

    "...the health care industry groups see a strategic opportunity. As lawmakers squabble, the groups are focused on how to come out ahead in the end game."

  5. Brandon - thanks for coming buy. The posting is a little awkward. I am trying to figure it out. Come back again.

  6. I think WordPress has better commenting functionality. Blogger isn't very user-friendly(from my own experience).
