Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's Waterloo - July

It is clear that July has been President Obama's worse month since taking office. Yes, one could say that July was Obama's Waterloo. At the end of June, it looked as though Obama was on the verge of restructuring America into his version of a leftist utopia. Cap and trade passed the House and their was talk of health care "reform" passing the House and Senate before the summer recess.

Alas, thankfully, it was not to be. Like most ideologues, Obama misjudged the American people's desire for socialism and government control of their lives. Even though polls clearly showed that a majority of Americans were clearly against the government taking control of health care, Obama soldered on. The people's will only matters when a Republican is in office. Soaring deficits are only a concern when the Republicans hold office. The phrase, often used by Democrats in 2002 through 2004, "The worst economy since Hoover" is only to be used when the Republicans are in power.

Finally, the people are waking up. Health care is now officially stalled and Obama, who was firmly committed to a public option, now seems OK with any reform as long as he can take credit for a victory. 3 weeks ago he flat out demanded that a bill be delivered to his desk by the end of July and that he would not tolerate any delay. Today, a delay has become not only acceptable but expected despite the rantings of Nancy Pelosi, who keeps claiming to have the votes to pass a bill before the recess. Not only won't that happen but Cap and Trade has now been put on the back burner. Also, it has become evident that the jobs that were supposed to be created from the $780B pork invested "stimulus" bill are no where to be found. Now, there is talk of a jobless recovery. That is not what we were sold in January when this bill was rammed down our throats with hardly any time to read the details.

Obama has become his own worst enemy. A main stream press reporter lobs a softball question regarding the arrest of radical Harvard Professor, Louis Henry Gates, and Obama, while actually admitting to not knowing the facts of the incident, insults the police officer involved. 2 things are now crystal clear; Obama does not have the capacity to separate race from his thought process and the American people took notice. His poll numbers, already slipping, fell further immediately after the disastrous press conference. After a cursory examination of the facts, it is clear that the arrest was not motivated by race. Even Sharpton and Jackson have stayed out of this one. Further, African American police officers are coming forward to defend officer Crowley.

July was , to steal a phrase from Senator Demint, Obama's Waterloo. Much of the lost support, generated by his vision of turning the United States into a Socialist like state and the obvious reverse racism of the Cambridge incident, will not be coming back.


  1. Yeah, his numbers have really begun to plummet this month, and when I hear sound bites of him lately, he sounds frustrated/frazzled.

    I imagine the liberals are riding him, and obviously conservatives are unhappy. The latest Economist poll showed that 36% described him as very liberal, and at 60% at least somewhat liberal; only 19% called him moderate (4% said conservative). One month ago, it was 32-55-21-8, so I guess people are changing their mind about him.

    By the way, I found his "teaching moment" quip to be condescending; I haven't really heard this from anyone else.

    Congrats to the Phillies on landing Cliff Lee; I hope they did not give up too much for him.

  2. Dr. Jay,

    I want to meet the 4% that think Obama is conservative! What nut roots they must be.

    The Phils gave up 3 second tier prospects and 1 top tier guy who is at least 2 years away from the bigs. I really like Lee but it makes the starting rotation top heavy with lefties. I'll take it though.
