Monday, July 27, 2009

Rasmussen Reports - Gates Incident

According to the polling firm run by Scott Rasmussen, 26% of Americans think that President Obama did either a good or excellent job answering the question regarding the radical, Harvard Professor Louis Henry Gates. 46% found Obama's handling of the question to be poor.

What is even more interesting is that 29% of black people did NOT rate his answer as excellent or good. While that may seem like a low figure, it is not when one factors in that Obama received more than 95% support from this group of voters.

The Gates incident, as illustrated by Rasmussen Reports, has damaged his Presidency. His poll numbers showed immediate deterioration after the press conference. If we follow the trail of logic set forth by the left during Bush's 8 years in office that dictates following the will of the people, then only one course of action is justified. Press Obama needs to hold another press conference and apologize to the American people for commenting on the Gates incident when he did not have all the facts. Sure, he can have a scripted moment with Professor Gates and Officer Crowley and pretend that it is a "teaching" moment.

The only lesson that was taught was that President Obama has a clear bias and is not truly the President of all Americans.

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