Friday, July 31, 2009

Beer Summit Failed

Things are officially out of control now. First, President Obama, with the wisdom that could only come with years of experience as a community organizer, maligns a well respected police officer by commenting on a case where he admittedly did not have all of the facts. Then, he compounds his error by orchestrating a contrived "beer summit" with the radical, Harvard Professor Louis Henry Gates and police Sgt. Joseph Crowley.

It is obvious now that the beer summit failed. No one apologized. Honestly, I did not expect Gates to apologize since that would cause a loss in the street cred that he has been yearning for forever. However, I thought Crowley would be forced into a phony apology and that Obama would apologize to appear presidential.

I admire Crowley for sticking to his guns and not apologizing when it is crystal clear that he was not in the wrong and is not a racist by any definition. The inverse is true of Obama. As the leader of this country, his "teachable moment" could have happened with an apology structured in the following way:

"I am sorry that I commented on a situation where I did not have all the facts. I looked deep within myself and really do understand that I am the President for all Americans, irrespective of color, class or political affiliation. While I will always fight against injustice, I will never make that mistake again".

How can Obama teach us anything when he has learned nothing himself? Even his participation in the beer summit proved to be a joke. To wit, the following is a quite from Sgt. Crowley:

"He provided the beer. He contributed in a small part," Crowley said. "He really wanted to bring two people together to try to solve not only a local issue in Cambridge but also what has become a national issue".

He contributed a small part! Has the leader of the free world now been reduced to a third rate bartender? Also, why was Joe Biden's presence necessary? What value does he bring to the table? Further, he drank a non-alcoholic beer. Now if Biden has a problem with alcohol, then
of course he should not drink a real beer. I would never call him a dry drunk and I know the left never engaged in that type of behavior with President Bush during his 8 years as President.

In summary, all the beer summit accomplished was to make Obama look like a purveyor of racial politics. His poll numbers are showing a clear deterioration in support and confidence from the American people. The fact that the beer summit failed will only serve to add momentum to his falling poll numbers.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama Hurting Democrats In Virginia

As recently, as June the Governor race in Virginia was a dead heat. Survey USA, a non-partisan polling firm, today released a poll that was taken on July 27 and 28. They surveyed 526 likely voters and Bob McDonnell now has a 15% lead on his Democratic rival, Greigh Deeds. McDonnell leads by 25% with men and 5% with women. The most alarming statistic for the Democrats is the independents favor McDonnell 2 to 1.

Are alienated Republicans returning home? If so, is Obama the reason for this sudden shift. Is Obama now hurting Democrats in Virginia? It is not just the Governor's race that favors the GOP. They have now pulled ahead in Attorney General and Lt. Governor races as well.

Combine the above with the fact that Corzine's numbers in New Jersey DECREASED after Obama campaigned for him and it is not only fair to ask if Obama is hurting Democrats in Virginia but is he hurting Democrats across the nation? That is something all Democrats should ask themselves as they contemplate voting for health care "reform" and stimulus, part II.

As late as this June, many thought that Virginia had turned blue. Now, it appears as though Obama is intent on ensuring that the states stays red, at least for the time being.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's Waterloo - July

It is clear that July has been President Obama's worse month since taking office. Yes, one could say that July was Obama's Waterloo. At the end of June, it looked as though Obama was on the verge of restructuring America into his version of a leftist utopia. Cap and trade passed the House and their was talk of health care "reform" passing the House and Senate before the summer recess.

Alas, thankfully, it was not to be. Like most ideologues, Obama misjudged the American people's desire for socialism and government control of their lives. Even though polls clearly showed that a majority of Americans were clearly against the government taking control of health care, Obama soldered on. The people's will only matters when a Republican is in office. Soaring deficits are only a concern when the Republicans hold office. The phrase, often used by Democrats in 2002 through 2004, "The worst economy since Hoover" is only to be used when the Republicans are in power.

Finally, the people are waking up. Health care is now officially stalled and Obama, who was firmly committed to a public option, now seems OK with any reform as long as he can take credit for a victory. 3 weeks ago he flat out demanded that a bill be delivered to his desk by the end of July and that he would not tolerate any delay. Today, a delay has become not only acceptable but expected despite the rantings of Nancy Pelosi, who keeps claiming to have the votes to pass a bill before the recess. Not only won't that happen but Cap and Trade has now been put on the back burner. Also, it has become evident that the jobs that were supposed to be created from the $780B pork invested "stimulus" bill are no where to be found. Now, there is talk of a jobless recovery. That is not what we were sold in January when this bill was rammed down our throats with hardly any time to read the details.

Obama has become his own worst enemy. A main stream press reporter lobs a softball question regarding the arrest of radical Harvard Professor, Louis Henry Gates, and Obama, while actually admitting to not knowing the facts of the incident, insults the police officer involved. 2 things are now crystal clear; Obama does not have the capacity to separate race from his thought process and the American people took notice. His poll numbers, already slipping, fell further immediately after the disastrous press conference. After a cursory examination of the facts, it is clear that the arrest was not motivated by race. Even Sharpton and Jackson have stayed out of this one. Further, African American police officers are coming forward to defend officer Crowley.

July was , to steal a phrase from Senator Demint, Obama's Waterloo. Much of the lost support, generated by his vision of turning the United States into a Socialist like state and the obvious reverse racism of the Cambridge incident, will not be coming back.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jim Bunning Announces Retirement

Embattled United States Senator, Jim Bunning (R. KY) has announced his retirement and will not be seeking another term in 2010. Bunning was a true conservative and fought the good fight for conservative values for a long time. He never strayed from his principles, and in Washington D.C. that alone qualifies as a major accomplishment.

Still, it was obvious to everyone, including Bunning, that he was going to face a bruising primary. For an incumbent, Bunning was having trouble fund-raising and actually trailed his opponent in cash raised year to date. An honorable man to the end, Jim Bunning is doing the right thing for his party and ultimately his country by stepping aside. Contrast Bunning's behavior with that of Arlen Specter.

Bunning, a Hall of Fame baseball player who once pitched a perfect game as a member of the Philadelphia Phillies, spent the weekend at the baseball Hall of Fame in celebration of the new inductees. Perhaps Bunning's time away made him realize that their is more to life than battling liberals. Jim Bunning did his part and he should be saluted for his service.

Headline of the Day - Dems Alone Can't Deliver Obama Health Care Win

The above headline, per our "friends" at the Associated Depressed, is laughable and defies all notions of common sense and simple, basic math. How is it that Obama needs Republicans to vote for this travesty when he has a filibuster proof Senate and a clear majority in the House?

This is all a sham folks. What the Democrats are trying to accomplish is to provide political cover for those Democratic Senators and House members who reside in traditionally Republican districts or states. Pelosi knows full well that 38 or 39 Democrats are going to vote against health care. What the headline, "Dems Alone Can't Deliver Obama Health Care Win" really translates to is the following; how many Democrats can be given political cover by Republicans who are willing to sell out their own party?

The travesty of the Cap and Trade fiasco was the 8 Republicans who allowed 8 additional Democrats to vote no, thus providing cover for them at home. The good news is that those Congressmen learned, loudly and clearly, from the folks in their districts that such behavior will not be tolerated. A simple google search for the Mike Castle (R. DE) town hall video illustrates the anger of the people. I highly doubt that any Republicans will be so stupid on health care "reform". Sadly, the Republicans have let me down before. Harry Reid is faced with the same problems in the Senate. He is liable to get support from the 2 Republican in name only Senators from Maine, but needs more to shield as many as 12 Democratic Senators.

How will this play out? In the end, I think Pelosi will force passage, strictly on party lines, of her government controlled version of health care reform with 38 or 39 Democrats given the OK to vote no. Since as many as 60 seats will be in play in 2010, this will leave at least 20 Democrats extremely vulnerable. The Senate will pass a greatly watered down bill that will NOT include a public option. The real risk is at conference. It is likely that a bill could be quickly written that would satisfy Pelosi's agenda, including a public option, and sent to the White House so quickly that the American people will not have had the time to digest what is actually in the bill. This way, many Dems can still say they voted against the government take over of health care by voting no will secretly applauding its' passage. This is my worse-case scenario but I won't put anything past the current Democratic leadership.

In the end, the AP headline, "Dems Alone Can't Deliver Obama Health Care Win" is factually untrue.

Rasmussen Reports - Gates Incident

According to the polling firm run by Scott Rasmussen, 26% of Americans think that President Obama did either a good or excellent job answering the question regarding the radical, Harvard Professor Louis Henry Gates. 46% found Obama's handling of the question to be poor.

What is even more interesting is that 29% of black people did NOT rate his answer as excellent or good. While that may seem like a low figure, it is not when one factors in that Obama received more than 95% support from this group of voters.

The Gates incident, as illustrated by Rasmussen Reports, has damaged his Presidency. His poll numbers showed immediate deterioration after the press conference. If we follow the trail of logic set forth by the left during Bush's 8 years in office that dictates following the will of the people, then only one course of action is justified. Press Obama needs to hold another press conference and apologize to the American people for commenting on the Gates incident when he did not have all the facts. Sure, he can have a scripted moment with Professor Gates and Officer Crowley and pretend that it is a "teaching" moment.

The only lesson that was taught was that President Obama has a clear bias and is not truly the President of all Americans.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ed Rendell - Prostitute

Recently, on Opie and Anthony's XM satellite radio show, Kristin Davis, the former "Manhattan Madam" insinuated that Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania used her services 10 times during a year and a half time frame. Let me be clear - Rendell's name was not actually mentioned. Ms. Davis wrote a name on a slip of paper and the hosts of the programs provided so many obvious hints that any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that they were talking about Rendell. Did Ed Rendell make use of a prostitute? Maybe, maybe not. However, this episode highlights Ed Rendell's quick and stunning fall from the top of the political spectrum to a clear has been in politics.
Ed Rendell has enjoyed a virtual monopoly on power in Pennsylvania politics since 1992 when he was elected Mayor of Philadelphia. While running for Mayor and Governor, Rendell has never had to face any serious opposition. Each Republican candidate was weaker than the last. Further, he was able to pretty much pass any legislation that he desired. Statewide, the Republicans would fold like cheap suits and Rendell would get his way. The Pennsylvania state income tax was increased a couple of years ago despite needing Republican support in the legislature.
Rendell's midas touch began to wane a few months ago. It was no secret that Rendell coveted a United States Senate seat and that 2010 represented a perfect opportunity for him. His term expires in 2010 and he would be running against a weakened opponent - Arlen Specter. Sure, Specter was his first boss in politics and Rendell would prefer that he retire but would have no problem taking him out if he did not. It was clear sailing and the skies were blue. Then the thunder-storms hit. First, Specter switches parties. Now, one can easily imagine the phone call that was placed to Rendell by someone in the Obama administration:
Official - "Mr. Governor, do you remember how you supported Hillary Clinton in the primary?"
Rendell - "Yes".
Official - "Mr. Governor, the bill has come due. The President demands that Senator Specter have a clear field now that he is on our team."
Rendell - "Wait a minute!"
Official - "No, you wait a minute pal. If you don't lay down like a good little puppy, we will spank your state so hard and make you look so bad, that your name will be erased from the history books. Understood?"
Rendell - "Yes".
Official - "Good boy! Don't worry, we will have a job for you. You can be the head of the National Constitution Center. Doesn't that sound great? Now run along".
This was not Rendell's only disappointment. Again, he was accustomed to passing any budget or legislation in Pennsylvania with only minimal resistance from the state legislative body. Rendell's most recent budget included an "emergency" 3 year state tax income hike of 16.5%. It is the typical strategy of a liberal; anything can be resolved with more taxes. This time the Republicans, who hold the majority in the state senate and are under normal conditions as spine filled as a jelly-fish, said no. A flat, non-negotiable no. Rendell shrugged this off and employed his other strategy - going directly to the people. Despite having the press on his side, the people's answer, in the form of Rendell's favorable ratings, was also a flat no. Rendell ratings dropped by double digits in only 2 months.
Clearly, the citizens of Pennsylvania, having to tighten their belts during this economic downturn, would prefer that the state government do the same. Naturally, the liberal groups are up in arms. They just can't believe this is happening. The robo-calls pronouncing the end of education as we know it have started. However, nothing is, and nothing will, make a difference in public opinion. No "temporary emergency" (which we know won't be temporary and this is NOT an emergency) tax hike will be enacted.
In short, Ed Rendell has been accused of having trysts with a prostitute, has had his future employment taken away from him and has been told that he is no longer relevant to matters of politics in Pennsylvania. Yes, it has been a very bad few months for the Honorable Edward G. Rendell.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Tames The Blue Dogs

Does anyone else find the little "drama" between the so called "blue dog" Democrats and Nancy Pelosi to be nothing more than a poorly scripted drama? In the end the blue dogs will heel for Nancy like the good little pups they are and pass the health care reform that Nancy envisions. Only minor changes will be made.

The blue dogs can then return home to their conservative districts and claim to have made significant changes to the bill. Do not believe it for one moment. This reminds me of a poorly run play by fourth graders.

The bill was pass on party lines with 38 Democrats voting no. The good news is that the Republicans, unlike the Cap and Trade fiasco, will not provide the Democrats with any political cover. Please let me know if you have a different opinion.


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